Safeguarding / Child Protection
We are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all our pupils.
Safeguarding / Child Protection
We aim to provide a safe and caring environment within St Pius X College which will allow pupils to feel secure and may encourage them to consult members of staff regarding their own personal concerns. Allchild protection concerns are discussed with our designated staff identified below and, in some instances, with external agencies.
Child Protection Designated Teachers
Mr P Friel
Mrs E Toner
Vice Principal
Mr J Mulholland
Vice Principal
Child Protection Deputy Designated Teachers
Mrs I McCann
Key Stage 3
Mrs C Bell
Key Stage 4
Chair of Governors
Designated Governor
At any time you can call the following numbers for advice and support:

NSPCC - 0808 800 5000

Childline - 0800 1111
School Counsellor
The school counsellor is a professional counsellor from Familyworks who supports pupils with particular challenges. The counsellor talks to individual pupils to help them with whatever difficulties they are facing. Pupils can self-refer to the college's counsellor or referrals can be made by pastoral staff.
Drugs Education Policy
St Pius X College is committed to protecting and promoting the health and safety of all members of the college and to adopting a consistent approach to drug related issues. In the interests of health and safety, neither the misuse of drugs or alochol by the members of the school nor the illegal supply of these substances on school premises is condoned. Any instances of possession, use or supply will be regarded with the utmost seriousness.
Online Safety
The e-safety policy identifies the risks involved in using the internet and the wide range of new technologies available. The internet and other technologies are embedded in pupils' lives, not just in college but outside as well, and the college has a duty to help prepare pupils to benefit safely from the opportunities that these may present. The college is committed to developing a set of safe and responsible behaviours by all members of the college community that will enable us to reduce the risks whilst continuing to benefit from the opportunities.

Lifeline - 0808 808 8000

Familyworks - 028 9182 1721