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Pupil Support

St Pius X College benefits from an independent counselling service, provided by Familyworks.

A Counsellor comes into our school one day each week from 8.45 to 2.00pm.


The main way to access this counselling service is for a concerned parent, pupil or member of staff to make a referral by speaking to, or telephoning, the relevant form teacher, head of year or key stage co-ordinator.


In addition, pupils can make a self-referral using the Familyworks’ website ( where they will find a referral form.


There is also the option to avail of weekly “drop-in” sessions to speak to the counsellor without an appointment. These are usually available over break or lunchtimes.

Feeling low or worried?

Need to talk in confidence about issues like self-esteem, bullying, stress or anxiety, family difficulties or mental health?


Marietta Duffin is our school counsellor

She is available every Wednesday (Period 1 – 5 and during lunchtime)

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