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Pastoral Care


Our inclusive ethos is based on high aspirations, support and respect for all.

Pastoral Care

In St Pius X College we pride ourselves on the quality of our care for all pupils. We believe that a caring and happy environment is essential for pupils to succeed. We therefore place great emphasis on our pastoral care provision in order to foster positive relationships and community spirit. We promote healthy lifestyles, emotional well-being and positive attitudes in all our pupils, as well as fostering an environment where diversity is valued.

Our aim is to ensure that the college supports and equips all pupils with the life skills they need to make responsible choices and achieve their full potential. We have a specific pastoral care structure which provides guidance and support to all pupils. Each member of the team has an important role in supporting pupils and meeting with parents. In addition, a number of external agencies help to provide counselling services.

The pastoral care of pupils is supported by a well-planned pastoral programme which examines physical, spiritual, health and emotional needs and issues of concerns deemed relevant to our pupils' lives. Rewarding and recongnising achievements are also very important and carry considerable weight in St Pius X College as they raise pupil self-esteem and promote self-confidence.

Code of Conduct

Effective teaching and learning can only take place when attitudes and behaviours are positive. In St Pius X College we strive to establish as positive ethose where all pupils are encouraged to develop a sense of responsibility. Our Code of Conduct is based on the simple requirements of courtesy and mutual respect, both on and off the school grounds. The college is committed to creating an environment which is orderly, respectful and conducive to teaching and learning. Our Code of Conduct clearly sets out our expectations and has a structured system of rewards and sactions which promotes high standards of work and behaviour.

We therefore seek the support of all pupils and parents/guardians for the implementation of the Code of Conduct by asking them to sign a positive behaviour contract which can be found in every Pupil Homework Diary.


Our college ethos is that bullying is completely unacceptable. The use of group work, peer support schemes, self-discipline and praise are used to support our anti-bullying culture. The following policies and structure are available and are designed to minimise risks: Safeguarding & Child Protection, Anti-Bullying, E-Safety, Pastoral Care & Positive Behaviour Management and the college Code of Conduct.

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