Investors In Pupils
Raising standards through pupil voice and pupil participation in school.
Investors in Pupils (IIP) provides a quality framework within which schools and educational settings develop, embed and enhance pupil voice and participation strategies. It provides opportunities for children and young people to take greater responsibility for their own education and behaviour across five main areas.

The 5 Areas of Investors in Pupils
Each pupil is encouraged to take responsibility for their behaviour in their lessons and around school. All pupils must work together to make the school a pleasant and safe place.
Each pupil has individual CM and EXAM targets for each subject. These are recorded in PUPIL RECORD CARDS at the back of homework diaries as GOALS for performance in CMs and EXAMS.
Classroom Management
Each class has a target which is agreed by all pupils with their form teacher to make the class a place of learning and free from bullying.
Attendance and Punctuality
Each pupil must understand the importance of good attendance and how it affects their learning. Our PUPIL ATTENDANCE TARGET IS 95% and above.
An induction folder provides lots of important information to make the transition from primary school to St Pius X College easier.
What does Investors in Pupils mean for pupils in St Pius X College?
We have 14 criteria to meet. Here are some examples of how we do this.
We have:
Form Class Mottos
Form Class Targets
Personal Targets for Attendance and for Performance
Agreed Rewards for meeting our Targets
Notice boards to monitor our targets and celebrate our success
A strong pupil voice allowing us to share in decisions which affect us
A good understanding of roles and responsibilities within our college
A good understanding of how we are all unique
A good understanding of how we can use social media to inform others about this initiative in our college
Outcomes for Pupils
“We know that pupils in St Pius X College are the central focus of this school”. Pedro
“We are rewarded for achievements. I got a Principal’s Award for 100% attendance”. Evelina
“Staff listen to pupils’ views and involve us in decision-making for example through the school council”. Cahir
“We are encouraged to take on additional roles and responsibilities. I am a member of the Bully-Busters team”. Niamh